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(1 edit)

I thought I might as well push the funding over the 2k goal :) I love this pack! Although it's called "Ninja Adventure", I would love to see it develop in a more multi-purpose way with styling elements and items that enables designers to create maps that have an industrial, low tech, steampunk etc. style with characters that also match the respective looks. I am currently working on a game idea that doesn't quite fit the japanese ninja-style design, but since this is the most affordable and complete (not to mention: beautiful) asset pack I know, I am going to use and feature it nonetheless. Also, I am currently in the process of writing a series of MonoGame articles for a German developer magazine that will be based on my experiences (and contain references to your asset pack).

Thank you for your donation and for your feedback! We are already considering moving away from the ninja theme which is a bit limiting, I think we will add more variety gradually, I added your requests to the todo list.

Hello. Great work!

Cannot find any characters when downloading your pack.
Do you know in which folder they are?

Thanks! They are normally found in Actor/Characters

I'm creating a game with this asset pack and it has definitely helped me a lot in my project, I'll definitely put your name in credits

Thanks, glad it was useful to you!

Hello. Congratulations on the work. It's very beautiful.

There is a problem with Godot's project. The file res://addons/dialogic/Other/ is missing.

I would be happy to see the demo fully working. Dialogs will not open without this file.

Thanks! I will try to look as soon as I find some time, I will have to update the project for version 4.0 too

Samurai Boss Please!!!!

lot of bug movement key down a doesnt work

Personally I’d like to see some new bosses in the next update. And great work, as always!

Okay, we'll add that as soon as possible, thanks for your feedback!

The only thing i would suggest to add is farming and mining tiles and some animals to breed. Donation is required for this awesome pack.


I add it to the list, thanks!

(1 edit) (+1)

In my opinion the best free assets pack on itch ever! Making a donation is "a must". A nice thing to insert could be a graphical interface for inventory and everything else related to the GUI, and maybe some sort of sprites related to farming, such as hoe, arable land, watering can, etc. etc. I await with curiosity the new version arriving. Congratulations again for the hard work you do!

I really love to have a cave interior. Like a mine with ores on walls. In my game this could be mined and destroyed. If you don't mind you can also add Explosions and bomb sprites.

Really love the artwork! Thank you very much

Thanks for your feedback, I'll add it to the todo list!

How do the cloud shadows work that can be seen in the sample gifs?

if I remember correctly, these are particles2D (in Godot), I don't know if there is a cloud sprite in the pack or if I only made it for the demo, you can get it in the godot demo otherwise

Can you make a character with the black plague mask? It would be nice!

I'm adding it to the todo list!

Thank you!

Going to download this today. It looks great and I can use it to learn a new game engine without art being an issue. This can definitely change things for a lot of people. Having that abs music and sounds can get a lot of people enough assets to get startes. Definitely giving that donation because people like you deserve it.

Thanks glad this helps <3

(3 edits) (+1)

how about a Japanese castle tileset? .. like walls, and inside and a couple buildings and tower.. and like the lower part of the wall that is like kinda sloped.. hmm i guess there kinda is a castle but that japanese look is iconic .. jus throwin ideas.. feel like you got a Fort, but not Big Boss Man's Fancy Leet Army Castle

Thanks for the feedback, I'll take note!

(1 edit)

I love that this pack comes with a demo project.  I used the assets in a video about how to get pixel perfect zoom in and zoom out in Godot.


Thanks, glad it was helpful and thank you for sharing the video!

Cool to see the pack in this video :D

Yes I had seen that, it’s nice!

When i was learning about game dev  i used this assets a lot, thanks for all, i can't donate because im from Cuba

i hope that you can get as much goals as you want

(sorry for my english i speak spanish usually)

Thanks, glad that the pack was useful to you, no worries, the pack is above all free!

A menu update would be very convenient! UI elements such as buttons with 'pressed' states, checkboxes, slider components, inventory slots, a handful of differently shaped menu panels, that kind of thing


Thanks for the feedback, we'll add that!

(1 edit) (+1)

I am all for mana / stamina UI elements and some dungeony things like magma-rock balls that can be thrown out of a lava-pool.
Edit: Also I didn't see a torch item. That would be nice.

Really awesome work, I'm using this in my game here.

I intend to use this asset to make 2 more games. If i need some specific update how may I contact you?

Nice game, glad the pack was useful to you!

Don't hesitate to make a request in the comments, we'll take it into account for the next updates, for a more specific request you can contact me by DM on Twitter.


Love this!! I think my only request/suggestion would be that I'd love to have some more options for interior decorations/furniture. Having interior doors that match the style of the exterior house doors would be great!

Thanks for the feedback, glad you like the pack, we'll try to add interior elements for the next update!

Can I ask you a question? How to tile trees?  I work in construct 3 and I can't tile trees.

They were not designed to be tiled if I remember correctly, you have to use 2 layers and overlay them if you can do that in Construst 3, we will be able to add tileable versions for in the next update.

Oh, thank you so much for the advice.

How do I access the individual sprites in the tilesets?

Not sure I understand the question, you want each tileset sprite in a separate PNG?

That's what I'm looking to do yup. Just not sure if there's a way to do that through the Godot engine

If you haven't found a solutions, there's an app i use called Shoebox. install it using adobe air. its small and does an excellent job working with sprites. it splits them well among other stuff.

There is an Open Source alternative for TexturePacker that comes with tools to not only pack sprites but also extract them.

Thank you!

I absolutely love this asset pack! There are a ton of animations and sprites and you can build a full blown game with this!

One thing I would like to see is a file that could explain what frame is for what animation, for example the regular characters have the bottom left frame as death animation. For some sprites its kind of difficult to figure out

I used your incredible art and added you to the credits section :>

(1 edit)

Thanks, glad it was helpful!


This has said "working on new update" for over 7 months. Is there an update coming?

My bad, I forgot to remove the message, the last update has already been posted, we will have to wait for the next level for the next update, do hesitate to suggest ideas for content that might interest you!


"My bad, I forgot to remove the message, the last update has already been posted, we will have to wait for the next level for the next update, do hesitate to suggest ideas for content that might interest you!"

That's a lie!
The goal was reached in 2023, but no Updates yet  in 2023!

Sorry, after checking I realized you were right, I thought we were up to date, in my defense there is no clear timeline and this is a side project for us, to avoid that this kind of error does not happen again I'll add the chronology of goals and updates on the main page, it should prevent it from happening again, thank you for accepting my apologies!


Honestly the best free asset pack on, not just because of quality but also because of the sheer amount of assets included. Well done. 


Thanks !


Thank you!!

(1 edit) (+1)

you saved my life man thanks a lot


Hez. Thanks for the free graphics! I made a game with them, if you want to check it out:

Hi there, I am planning on making a project using this pack and was wondering if there is any way to make the sprites 64x64. I saw a tutorial on YouTube that used this pack and I have no clue how they managed to make the sprites 64x64!!

you can use asprite .import the image/tile .above go to sprite then sprite size and down but 400% because this asset 16 and 16*4=64

Thank you!


I use it to reprogram the "Maker Tech" Tutorial on Youtube. Really very nice asset.

Everything you could need is there



(1 edit) (+1)

Hello everybody, I am so grateful for your work. It's nice, cute, and amazing. It's evident that you have put in a lot of effort. I would like to ask how I can import the full project to work in unity 

Thanks! I've never really used unity so I'm not sure how it fits in, there is no quick way to integrate everything

Nice and complex pack for create games / trying out stuff. Thank you for offering it even free of charge and being very humble about mentioning you. You are a super hero.


Hello, I really liked your assets and used them to create a small game, you can find it here.


Hi there! Using this pack to learn Godot 4, I noticed while setting up the animations for the Masked Frog character that the second frame for walking right is offset by 1 pixel(the 2 black pixels at the end of the cape merge with the frame to the left of it.) Thought you'd like to know, great asset pack by the way!

Hello there! I'm using this pack and it's amazing, you are doing a great job! 

I'm using the mask frog and I just notice that the right walk animation has a little pixel missing in the second frame. 


dont need it, but sure is adoreable

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