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you are my biggest inspiration for pixel art, hopefully one day I can be as good as you!

Thanks, glad it could inspire you, good luck to you !


Hi Pixel-Boy, we are 2 brothers that love making retro-style games, we used your awesome asset pack for your game, I hope you like it! (off course, we are credited you in the game!) :)

these are super cute!



PixyMoon,i made a game jam and it started today.wanna join?

link:This is the link

Your assets are great, so many differents things! I keep finding new items or effects, and more ideas for my game. 

Of course still work in progress, but a small preview. Hope you can keep improving it.


Glad you like the assets, it's always nice to see things done with it, we always have an update in preparation, but it's progressing slowly with the various projects in progress.

Hi, I am using Game Maker, was trying to overlap the Tress and Forest, and looking at the Godot Project is done very easily. Do you know how to make it in Game Maker?

I don't know how to do that on Game Maker 2 but maybe search on the internet with the term 'Y sort'

(1 edit)

This pack is brilliant!! Quick question though, what's the difference between the supporter edition and the other?


Thanks! There is no difference currently, so it's just to support the pack, in the future there may be more things to support the edition but for the moment nothing planned

Great package, but I wonder if the content in this download package is for us to develop (I learned a Zelda video on YouTube, about 7.5h) and then came here to download the game, but I can't play it

Thanks! The demo project is made with Godot Engine ( you can open it with ) to download the project you had to download the file: "" on Itchio. You can use it as a base to create your game.

Does that answer your question?

ok i had dawnloaded the file  named''''and the ''ninja'' but i cannot open it with my file like vscode or pycharm. Should I open it by godot only?

Yes it's a Godot project, you will need Godot Engine to run it but I guess you can still edit the scripts in vscode or whatever

These are great! 


Great asset pack, can I use it for  Commercial Use?

Thanks! Yes the license allows it, you don't have to credit but it's of course appreciated :)

thank god, I already made 3 areas in my game using the tileset so it's a relief to hear this, thank you

Hey pixel-boy,
I used your scroll in a fun little game. Thanks for your great assets!

when extracting the Zip file I can’t fins the actor sprites/portraits?


They are in the "Actor/Characters" folder

(1 edit)

hey pixel boy very nice assets but the player i have a problem that i cant use that for gamemaker studio 2 but great assets

(1 edit) (+2)

What problems are you having? I use these sprites for GMS2 quite often, perhaps I can give advice on how to fix it. 


Hey I want to thank you for this great assets and for uploading it here.

I got inspired and wanted to share it with you:

Thanks and really cool animationl! Nice job ^^

Oh I needed that raccoon in my life. Thank you. :D 

Both, the raccoon and the statue is part of the pack, I just created the animation transforming between it.

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

Oh I know! The balloon part is what I needed, too cute :D (Not asking for it, just commenting as I saw it, apologies for any confusion) 


Thank you,  no worries, I just wanted to give credit to who it deserves.

If you or anyone else want to use it feel free to do so.

The pack is free and I made this animation public available too so no problems :D

(1 edit)

Can i use the font for Commercial Use?

Yes the whole pack can be used for commercial use (CC0 license)


This is my new favourite asset pack! I am new to gamedev and this is just what i need to make my dream game! :D 





(2 edits)

hi, im gonna use part of this tileset in my latest project (but changing some colors). There’s any license on the files?

It's CC0 you can find the license in the folder

i used this pack for one of the enemies in my game


hello pixel-boy, thanks for creating this i am using it in a project of mine, and i made sure to write your name in the credits. again thanks for this amazing work , i appreceate it.

Hey, thanks for using it! Don't hesitate to send me a message if the project is available one day :)

(2 edits)

It should be done by a few days later. i will surely send you the link of it. i am making a rpg game with a top down style. i started like a few weeks ago.

Ouch !! Amazing ! Really nice work !


Wow these look great! If I didn't like drawing my own assets so much I would pick these up in a heartbeat. Incredible work

Thank you!


now that the goal has been reached what will the new update bring? Super excited to see new work done for these, it’s one of my favorite packs on itch for sure.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks! We have started working on the update, some items are assets requested by a high donation donor (mainly precise decorative elements) but we are also listening if other people have special requests, so do not hesitate to ask us!

that’s great!  Do you have any plans on a new boss creature for the update? Or will that be in one of the following update? 


also side note, do you guys do any commission work? Like if someone wanted some custom art to expand the ninja pack? 

We recently accepted a high donation against a specific asset list for the pack, but these are assets that will be available to everyone, currently we have too much work to accept commissions but feel free to suggest ideas for the pack


Thank you so much for releasing this. I've been looking to get into making games using the Godot engine as a hobby and by far the biggest challenge has been finding good assets that are free to use. Ill be sure to link you if I end up releasing the game!

Glad to hear that, thanks for using it! Looking forward to discovering your game^^

Hey there, amazing pack, one of the best i've seen, I'm new to game dev, I was wondering how you combine the weapon to the player, I'm trying to create a pick up system for each weapon, and can't figure out how to add the weapon to the player

I haven't finished it yet, but i've added animations to the weapons as well which are supposed to active when the player is in its animation phase as well.

Did you finally succeed in doing what you wanted?


A fantastic pack, I am currently developing a little puzzle game using it.

I tried it, it's difficult Haha glad the pack was useful, thank you for using it!

omg, it's pretty hard lmao haha

I only reachead the five stage :(

your asset pack inspired me to make a game, it will be out soon! great assets, i love them!

Thanks ^^ Glad it inspire you, can't wait to see that!

i just finished making the game

thank you a lot for posting these assets for free and CC0!!!


Thanks, I finished it, it was nice! funny that you did a platformer with haha

(10 edits) (+1)

Hey, you told me you would let me know if you made more. Not cool! 😁

Might want to add a link to those release previously.
    - Wood working(Axe, trees to cut, logs, tall bamboo to cut, boards, saw mill, chisel)
    - Mining(Ore, pickaxe, anvil, smelter)
    - Farming(Plowed tile set, seeds, farm animals)
    - Fishing(Cool sailboat, fish, water ripples)
    - Water mill, and wind mill
    - Also a cherry blossom tree to spice up the woods(4 season states)
    - crane for the cool sailboat and carts.
    - Mail bag, mail box, stamp, post office building, crank conveyor belt(Made of dried bamboo)
    - Cooking stove, pot, water pipes(Bamboo, iron)
    - Moon gate


Great pack! Dunno how I went so long without realizing it existed lol. 

Hehe thanks!

Deleted 2 years ago

Thanks! The flash is done by passing the value "modulate" to "Color (50,50,50)" in the "hit_fx" function of the player (with a tween node)

Hi! I use this awesome pack to make a game too!
Thank you guys

Here is the link:

Cool little game! Thanks for using the pack and giving us credit ^^

This is incredible.

Me and my friends used your pack for a game development project at school, we loved everything in it. Thank you we did a great RPG game thanks to you.


Thanks glad you liked it!

I know it's a bit late to request this,
But is the asset pack able to be tagged as creative commons zero to make it easier to find as an amazing work in the Public Domain?
Thank you very much for the pack!

It's done, thanks for the information!


This is so good! Thanks for making it free!

Thank you!


You are fantastic!  Thank you for the release!


Thank you!


so much love with your asset




Perfect pack! I don't understand why there are so few contributors, send him/her some dollars!


Thanks <3


It's one of the best asset packs out there. It's awesome that you made it free, couldn't contribute much but I hope it helps you get towards your goal. 


Thanks, your contribution is appreciated!

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi! Amazing asset with beautiful art!

I'm creating a 2D RPG Course in Spanish, and I wanted to ask you if it is possible for me to use your Asset. Also, I will show attribution inside the course.



Yep sure, thanks to you!




Amazing! I'll use it for my first game<3


Thanks, don't hesitate to tell me if certain assets are missing!



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