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This will help a lot with sorting things, thanks!

Thank you so much for these! I found a weird issue when trying to use one of these icons in Godot 4.3 on a MacBook Air with Retina display. The icons appear smaller than they should when applied to a class_name, but render correctly in the FileSystem. I think this is probably a Godot bug though, lots of Godot + high DPI display issues out there, just FYI!

It's weird indeed, I don't think I can do much about it but thanks for the information anyway!

No worries, already went and created a bug. 😅


Thank you so much!

Is it necessary to credit you?

No need to credit me!

These are great for every project I've been working on! Amazing for custom resources to have icons


I like it!


super awesome! thanks for these!


very nice!you make my godot more cute!


Love them! Thanks!

This is perfect! I was just planning on starting to use Godot.


Nice work!

this is super cool, I might start using these!